The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

How to Really Know Someone | 06

How to Really Know Someone | 06

Hi, guys! Happy Wednesday! How's your week so far? Mine's fine. Not much happening lately, and I'm completely lagging behind some posts I need to finish. But everything's fine. I just finished watching Let's Fight Ghost and I'm feeling a major sepanx from the main characters. What have you been up to lately? Do you have any KDrama suggestions for me to watch? I'm on idle time for now so I want to watch all the KDramas as much as I can, haha.

Oh, and here's my part 6 of this question tag. I realized how long ago it was that I made an update on this series so here you go! 😁

26. How thin/fat, small/large, tall/short are you compared to your peers?

I am the fatter, larger, and taller one from them, haha. (you get the picture)

27. If you were a book, what would it be?

I would be an adventure, coming-of-age book because that's how my life is running right now. Yes, I'm aware that I'm already 23 but I'm still learning who I am and who I'm supposed to be. I'm still on the journey to fully understand what life is really about and that has to be one of the main ideas of the book.

28. Have you ever seen a dead person before? How did you feel about it?

Uhm, yes, in a coffin. I felt uneasy like it's unnatural to see someone in that state. I really don't like seeing someone lying in a coffin but I do it as a sign of respect whenever I go to funerals...

29. Which is worse, failing or never trying?

Never trying is worse. How will you learn when you won't even attempt to try out new things? How will you know that you won't succeed when you won't even work for it? Life is a constant battle, every day we learn new things and no matter how small they are, they are significant in their own way. Failing is better because in the end, you will have the experience and you can learn from the mistakes you've made so that the next time you try, you can do better. Failing will be a lesson, without fail, you can never achieve success.

30. Have you ever taken care of a sick person?

Yes. I've taken care of my younger siblings when they were sick. I'm the eldest, so I'm expected to do things like these when my mom is away or has other things to do, hehe.

I'll end this series here, the next five questions will be answered soon, haha! I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. February is ending in the next few days and I feel like I haven't done anything productive this month. Well, except setting up an online shop with my best friend. It's still in the works but you can visit us here and like our page here. 😁

This tag is originally from Corinth and if you want to join along, you can find the rest of the questions here. What's your take on these questions? If you're asked these questions, what would your replies be? Comment below so I can read your answers. 😊 xx


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